2024 is the 38th ANNIVERSARY of the Fremont, Michigan, Chapter of the Harley Owners Group. Check out our club and join in the fun!
The Fremont Michigan Chapter of the Harley Owners Group is a riding club open to anyone who owns a Harley-Davidson motorcycle. We organize rides and events throughout the year, including rides for new and prospective members, weekday lunch rides, and longer tours. For more information, use the contact page to get in touch, attend one of our meetings (dates and locations are on the calendar page), or stop by our sponsoring shop, Sandy’s Harley-Davidson in Fremont, Michigan.
Our goal is to ride and have fun and we’d love you to join us!
This website features our calendar of events, lots of pics (2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022, 2023), a link to our sponsoring dealer, Sandy’s Harley-Davidson, and much more. Check it out!
Chapter Updates, Rides & Events
February 6, 2025
Trivia: The 1995 FXSTSB was which Harley-Davidson model? Springer; Bad Boy; Street Stalker.
It’s time to renew your Chapter membership! You can fill out the form at Sandy’s or visit http://www.fremonthog2232.com/membership-application.html to print off a copy and mail it in to the shop. Dues remain $15.00 for individuals or $20 for a couple. Remember, you must be a national HOG member – including associate memberships – to have a local membership. Thanks for your participation and continued support! Those who do not renew by April 1 will be dropped from the mailing list.
The Planning Meeting for the 2025 riding season will be held Saturday, February 15, at 3:30 pm, at Sandy’s Harley-Davidson. This meeting is for all chapter officers, including ride leaders and activity officers, so please be sure to attend – and bring a dish to pass – so we can plan a great 2025! Let Karen know what food you plan on bringing so we have a good variety. If you can’t make the meeting, please respond to this email with any ride or event ideas you have – if you’re willing to lead them or not – and they’ll be passed on to the director (more details below).
IMPORTANT: Please help us put together a list of things to do this coming riding season. Are there any restaurants you’d like to try or that we haven’t ridden to in a while? Any events or locations? Any off-bike activities like card parties, bowling, shooting ranges, etc? We’d like to have a long list of ideas for the upcoming planning meeting, so simply respond to this message in your email with any suggestions. If it’s one idea or a dozen, everything helps. Thank you!
Shop Specials at Sandy’s H-D: Now through February 8: Get ready for Valentine’s Day - - 20% off all in-stock jewelry! February 10 – February 15: 15% off all in-stock purses and wallets! T-Shirt Tuesdays: Buy one T-shirt get one 50% off. Sweatshirt Saturdays: 15% off all in-stock sweatshirts.
Trivia Answer: Bad Boy
January 29, 2025
Trivia: The FXST Softail was the first of the Harley-Davidson Softail models. What was the second? (Answer below...)
The Chapter Update from the January Social Gathering is now available in the members-only section of the Chapter website at http://www.fremonthog2232.com/401/login.php?redirect=/members-only.html. Check your email for the current password.
It’s time to renew your Chapter membership! You can fill out the form at Sandy’s or visit http://www.fremonthog2232.com/membership-application.html to print off a copy and mail it in to the shop. Dues remain $15.00 for individuals or $20 for a couple. Remember, you must be a national HOG member – including associate memberships – to have a local membership. Thanks for your participation and continued support! Those who do not renew by April 1 will be dropped from the mailing list.
The Planning Meeting for the 2025 riding season will be held Saturday, February 15, at 3:30 pm, at Sandy’s Harley-Davidson. This meeting is for all chapter officers, including ride leaders and activity officers, so please be sure to attend – and bring a dish to pass – so we can plan a great 2025! Let Karen know what food you plan on bringing so we have a good variety. If you can’t make the meeting, please respond to this email with any ride or event ideas you have – if you’re willing to lead them or not – and they’ll be passed on to the director (more details below).
IMPORTANT: Please help us put together a list of things to do this coming riding season. Are there any restaurants you’d like to try or that we haven’t ridden to in a while? Any events or locations? Any off-bike activities like card parties, bowling, shooting ranges, etc? We’d like to have a long list of ideas for the upcoming planning meeting, so simply respond to the email of this notice with any suggestions. If it’s one idea or a dozen, everything helps. Thank you!
Shop Specials at Sandy’s H-D: Now through February 1: 15% off all in-stock children’s Harley-Davidson apparel! February 3 – February 8: Get ready for Valentine’s Day - - 20% off all in-stock jewelry! T-Shirt Tuesdays: Buy one T-shirt get one 50% off. Sweatshirt Saturdays: 15% off all in-stock sweatshirts.
Trivia Answer: 1986 Heritage Softail
January 22, 2025
Saying of the Week: You can forget about what you do for a living when your knees are in the breeze.
The next Chapter Social Gathering is this Sunday, January 26th, at The Depot in Grant. Breakfast starts at 8:30 am, Chapter updates at 9:30 am. The Depot is located at 22 W. Main in Grant. Break out of the winter doldrums and spend the morning with some friends!
It’s time to renew your Chapter membership! You can fill out the form at Sandy’s or visit http://www.fremonthog2232.com/membership-application.html to print off a copy and mail it in to the shop. Dues remain $15.00 for individuals or $20 for a couple. Remember, you must be a national HOG member – including associate memberships – to have a local membership. Thanks for your participation and continued support! Those who do not renew by April 1 will be dropped from the mailing list.
The Planning Meeting for the 2025 riding season will be held Saturday, February 15, at 3:30 pm, at Sandy’s Harley-Davidson. This meeting is for all chapter officers, including ride leaders and activity officers, so please be sure to attend – and bring a dish to pass – so we can plan a great 2025! Let Karen know what food you plan on bringing so we have a good variety. If you can’t make the meeting, please respond to this email with any ride or event ideas you have – if you’re willing to lead them or not – and they’ll be passed on to the director (more details below).
IMPORTANT: Please help us put together a list of things to do this coming riding season. Are there any restaurants you’d like to try or that we haven’t ridden to in a while? Any events or locations? Any off-bike activities like card parties, bowling, shooting ranges, etc? We’d like to have a long list of ideas for the upcoming planning meeting, so simply respond to this messgae in your email with any suggestions. If it’s one idea or a dozen, everything helps. Thank you!
Shop Specials at Sandy’s H-D: Now through January 25: 15% off all Harley-Davidson sport & gaming items (basketball, football, ladder ball, Jenga, Yardzee, dominoes, etc.). January 27 – February 1: 15% off all in-stock children’s Harley-Davidson apparel! T-Shirt Tuesdays: Buy one T-shirt get one 50% off. Sweatshirt Saturdays: 15% off all in-stock sweatshirts.
January 16, 2025
Saying of the Week: A good long ride can clear your mind, restore your faith, and use up a lot of gasoline.
It’s time to renew your Chapter membership! You can fill out the form at Sandy’s or visit http://www.fremonthog2232.com/membership-application.html to print off a copy and mail it in to the shop. Dues remain $15.00 for individuals or $20 for a couple. Remember, you must be a national HOG member – including associate memberships – to have a local membership. Thanks for your participation and continued support! Those who do not renew by April 1 will be dropped from the mailing list.
We will be ordering another batch of engraved chapter name tags from the same source as last time. They feature the HOG logo, our chapter name, and the member’s name. You can wear them any time, but they are especially helpful at meetings and other social events. They’re $10 each and if you want one please respond to this message in your email with the name you’d like on the tag. The final order will be put together at the next social gathering. Thanks!
The next Chapter Social Gathering is Sunday, January 26th, at The Depot in Grant. Breakfast starts at 8:30 am, Chapter updates at 9:30 am. The Depot is located at 22 W. Main in Grant.
The Planning Meeting for the 2025 riding season will be held Saturday, February 15, at 3:30 pm, at Sandy’s Harley-Davidson. This meeting is for all chapter officers, including ride leaders and activity officers, so please be sure to attend – and bring a dish to pass – so we can plan a great 2025! Let Karen know what food you plan on bringing so we have a good variety. If you can’t make the meeting, please respond to this email with any ride or event ideas you have – if you’re willing to lead them or not – and they’ll be passed on to the director (more details below).
IMPORTANT: Please help us put together a list of things to do this coming riding season. Are there any restaurants you’d like to try or that we haven’t ridden to in a while? Any events or locations? Any off-bike activities like card parties, bowling, shooting ranges, etc? We’d like to have a long list of ideas for the upcoming planning meeting, so simply respond to this message in your email with any suggestions. If it’s one idea or a dozen, everything helps. Thank you!
Shop Specials at Sandy’s H-D: Now through January 18: 15% off all in-stock Harley-Davidson riding boots. January 20 – January 25: 15% off all Harley-Davidson sport & gaming items (basketball, football, ladder ball, Jenga, Yardzee, dominoes, etc.). T-Shirt Tuesdays: Buy one T-shirt get one 50% off. Sweatshirt Saturdays: 15% off all in-stock sweatshirts.
January 2, 2025
Saying of the Week: Maintenance is as much art as it is science.
Happy New Year everyone! We have a few things below to help break up the winter doldrums, so please take part! I’ll be out of town for a few days, so there won’t be an update next week.
The next Chapter Social Gathering is Sunday, January 26th, at The Depot in Grant. Breakfast starts at 8:30 am, Chapter updates at 9:30 am. The Depot is located at 22 W. Main in Grant.
The Planning Meeting for the 2025 riding season will be held Saturday, February 15, at 3:30 pm, at Sandy’s Harley-Davidson. This meeting is for all chapter officers, including ride leaders and activity officers, so please be sure to attend – and bring a dish to pass – so we can plan a great 2025! Let Karen know what food you plan on bringing so we have a good variety. If you can’t make the meeting, please respond to this email with any ride or event ideas you have – if you’re willing to lead them or not – and they’ll be passed on to the director (more details below).
IMPORTANT: Please help us put together a list of things to do this coming riding season. Are there any restaurants you’d like to try or that we haven’t ridden to in a while? Any events or locations? Any off-bike activities like card parties, bowling, shooting ranges, etc? We’d like to have a long list of ideas for the upcoming planning meeting, so simply respond to this post in your email with any suggestions. If it’s one idea or a dozen, everything helps. Thank you!
Shop Specials at Sandy’s H-D: Now through January 4: Happy New Year! 10% off all in-stock Harley-Davidson drinkware. January 6 – December 11: 30% off all remaining Harley-Davidson Christmas T-Shirts and sweatshirts. T-Shirt Tuesdays: Buy one T-shirt get one 50% off. Sweatshirt Saturdays: 15% off all in-stock sweatshirts.
Trivia: The 1995 FXSTSB was which Harley-Davidson model? Springer; Bad Boy; Street Stalker.
It’s time to renew your Chapter membership! You can fill out the form at Sandy’s or visit http://www.fremonthog2232.com/membership-application.html to print off a copy and mail it in to the shop. Dues remain $15.00 for individuals or $20 for a couple. Remember, you must be a national HOG member – including associate memberships – to have a local membership. Thanks for your participation and continued support! Those who do not renew by April 1 will be dropped from the mailing list.
The Planning Meeting for the 2025 riding season will be held Saturday, February 15, at 3:30 pm, at Sandy’s Harley-Davidson. This meeting is for all chapter officers, including ride leaders and activity officers, so please be sure to attend – and bring a dish to pass – so we can plan a great 2025! Let Karen know what food you plan on bringing so we have a good variety. If you can’t make the meeting, please respond to this email with any ride or event ideas you have – if you’re willing to lead them or not – and they’ll be passed on to the director (more details below).
IMPORTANT: Please help us put together a list of things to do this coming riding season. Are there any restaurants you’d like to try or that we haven’t ridden to in a while? Any events or locations? Any off-bike activities like card parties, bowling, shooting ranges, etc? We’d like to have a long list of ideas for the upcoming planning meeting, so simply respond to this message in your email with any suggestions. If it’s one idea or a dozen, everything helps. Thank you!
Shop Specials at Sandy’s H-D: Now through February 8: Get ready for Valentine’s Day - - 20% off all in-stock jewelry! February 10 – February 15: 15% off all in-stock purses and wallets! T-Shirt Tuesdays: Buy one T-shirt get one 50% off. Sweatshirt Saturdays: 15% off all in-stock sweatshirts.
Trivia Answer: Bad Boy
January 29, 2025
Trivia: The FXST Softail was the first of the Harley-Davidson Softail models. What was the second? (Answer below...)
The Chapter Update from the January Social Gathering is now available in the members-only section of the Chapter website at http://www.fremonthog2232.com/401/login.php?redirect=/members-only.html. Check your email for the current password.
It’s time to renew your Chapter membership! You can fill out the form at Sandy’s or visit http://www.fremonthog2232.com/membership-application.html to print off a copy and mail it in to the shop. Dues remain $15.00 for individuals or $20 for a couple. Remember, you must be a national HOG member – including associate memberships – to have a local membership. Thanks for your participation and continued support! Those who do not renew by April 1 will be dropped from the mailing list.
The Planning Meeting for the 2025 riding season will be held Saturday, February 15, at 3:30 pm, at Sandy’s Harley-Davidson. This meeting is for all chapter officers, including ride leaders and activity officers, so please be sure to attend – and bring a dish to pass – so we can plan a great 2025! Let Karen know what food you plan on bringing so we have a good variety. If you can’t make the meeting, please respond to this email with any ride or event ideas you have – if you’re willing to lead them or not – and they’ll be passed on to the director (more details below).
IMPORTANT: Please help us put together a list of things to do this coming riding season. Are there any restaurants you’d like to try or that we haven’t ridden to in a while? Any events or locations? Any off-bike activities like card parties, bowling, shooting ranges, etc? We’d like to have a long list of ideas for the upcoming planning meeting, so simply respond to the email of this notice with any suggestions. If it’s one idea or a dozen, everything helps. Thank you!
Shop Specials at Sandy’s H-D: Now through February 1: 15% off all in-stock children’s Harley-Davidson apparel! February 3 – February 8: Get ready for Valentine’s Day - - 20% off all in-stock jewelry! T-Shirt Tuesdays: Buy one T-shirt get one 50% off. Sweatshirt Saturdays: 15% off all in-stock sweatshirts.
Trivia Answer: 1986 Heritage Softail
January 22, 2025
Saying of the Week: You can forget about what you do for a living when your knees are in the breeze.
The next Chapter Social Gathering is this Sunday, January 26th, at The Depot in Grant. Breakfast starts at 8:30 am, Chapter updates at 9:30 am. The Depot is located at 22 W. Main in Grant. Break out of the winter doldrums and spend the morning with some friends!
It’s time to renew your Chapter membership! You can fill out the form at Sandy’s or visit http://www.fremonthog2232.com/membership-application.html to print off a copy and mail it in to the shop. Dues remain $15.00 for individuals or $20 for a couple. Remember, you must be a national HOG member – including associate memberships – to have a local membership. Thanks for your participation and continued support! Those who do not renew by April 1 will be dropped from the mailing list.
The Planning Meeting for the 2025 riding season will be held Saturday, February 15, at 3:30 pm, at Sandy’s Harley-Davidson. This meeting is for all chapter officers, including ride leaders and activity officers, so please be sure to attend – and bring a dish to pass – so we can plan a great 2025! Let Karen know what food you plan on bringing so we have a good variety. If you can’t make the meeting, please respond to this email with any ride or event ideas you have – if you’re willing to lead them or not – and they’ll be passed on to the director (more details below).
IMPORTANT: Please help us put together a list of things to do this coming riding season. Are there any restaurants you’d like to try or that we haven’t ridden to in a while? Any events or locations? Any off-bike activities like card parties, bowling, shooting ranges, etc? We’d like to have a long list of ideas for the upcoming planning meeting, so simply respond to this messgae in your email with any suggestions. If it’s one idea or a dozen, everything helps. Thank you!
Shop Specials at Sandy’s H-D: Now through January 25: 15% off all Harley-Davidson sport & gaming items (basketball, football, ladder ball, Jenga, Yardzee, dominoes, etc.). January 27 – February 1: 15% off all in-stock children’s Harley-Davidson apparel! T-Shirt Tuesdays: Buy one T-shirt get one 50% off. Sweatshirt Saturdays: 15% off all in-stock sweatshirts.
January 16, 2025
Saying of the Week: A good long ride can clear your mind, restore your faith, and use up a lot of gasoline.
It’s time to renew your Chapter membership! You can fill out the form at Sandy’s or visit http://www.fremonthog2232.com/membership-application.html to print off a copy and mail it in to the shop. Dues remain $15.00 for individuals or $20 for a couple. Remember, you must be a national HOG member – including associate memberships – to have a local membership. Thanks for your participation and continued support! Those who do not renew by April 1 will be dropped from the mailing list.
We will be ordering another batch of engraved chapter name tags from the same source as last time. They feature the HOG logo, our chapter name, and the member’s name. You can wear them any time, but they are especially helpful at meetings and other social events. They’re $10 each and if you want one please respond to this message in your email with the name you’d like on the tag. The final order will be put together at the next social gathering. Thanks!
The next Chapter Social Gathering is Sunday, January 26th, at The Depot in Grant. Breakfast starts at 8:30 am, Chapter updates at 9:30 am. The Depot is located at 22 W. Main in Grant.
The Planning Meeting for the 2025 riding season will be held Saturday, February 15, at 3:30 pm, at Sandy’s Harley-Davidson. This meeting is for all chapter officers, including ride leaders and activity officers, so please be sure to attend – and bring a dish to pass – so we can plan a great 2025! Let Karen know what food you plan on bringing so we have a good variety. If you can’t make the meeting, please respond to this email with any ride or event ideas you have – if you’re willing to lead them or not – and they’ll be passed on to the director (more details below).
IMPORTANT: Please help us put together a list of things to do this coming riding season. Are there any restaurants you’d like to try or that we haven’t ridden to in a while? Any events or locations? Any off-bike activities like card parties, bowling, shooting ranges, etc? We’d like to have a long list of ideas for the upcoming planning meeting, so simply respond to this message in your email with any suggestions. If it’s one idea or a dozen, everything helps. Thank you!
Shop Specials at Sandy’s H-D: Now through January 18: 15% off all in-stock Harley-Davidson riding boots. January 20 – January 25: 15% off all Harley-Davidson sport & gaming items (basketball, football, ladder ball, Jenga, Yardzee, dominoes, etc.). T-Shirt Tuesdays: Buy one T-shirt get one 50% off. Sweatshirt Saturdays: 15% off all in-stock sweatshirts.
January 2, 2025
Saying of the Week: Maintenance is as much art as it is science.
Happy New Year everyone! We have a few things below to help break up the winter doldrums, so please take part! I’ll be out of town for a few days, so there won’t be an update next week.
The next Chapter Social Gathering is Sunday, January 26th, at The Depot in Grant. Breakfast starts at 8:30 am, Chapter updates at 9:30 am. The Depot is located at 22 W. Main in Grant.
The Planning Meeting for the 2025 riding season will be held Saturday, February 15, at 3:30 pm, at Sandy’s Harley-Davidson. This meeting is for all chapter officers, including ride leaders and activity officers, so please be sure to attend – and bring a dish to pass – so we can plan a great 2025! Let Karen know what food you plan on bringing so we have a good variety. If you can’t make the meeting, please respond to this email with any ride or event ideas you have – if you’re willing to lead them or not – and they’ll be passed on to the director (more details below).
IMPORTANT: Please help us put together a list of things to do this coming riding season. Are there any restaurants you’d like to try or that we haven’t ridden to in a while? Any events or locations? Any off-bike activities like card parties, bowling, shooting ranges, etc? We’d like to have a long list of ideas for the upcoming planning meeting, so simply respond to this post in your email with any suggestions. If it’s one idea or a dozen, everything helps. Thank you!
Shop Specials at Sandy’s H-D: Now through January 4: Happy New Year! 10% off all in-stock Harley-Davidson drinkware. January 6 – December 11: 30% off all remaining Harley-Davidson Christmas T-Shirts and sweatshirts. T-Shirt Tuesdays: Buy one T-shirt get one 50% off. Sweatshirt Saturdays: 15% off all in-stock sweatshirts.